Guesthouse serviced apartment is your home away from home, and provides you more space, more privacy, more freedom, and more conveniences.

Rental Rates

Rental Rates (min. booking 7 nights)

Apartment 222 River View Cozy

7 nights
NT$ 2250 / night (2 occupants), NT$ 2500 / night (4 occupants)

8-14 nights
NT$ 1800 / night (2 occupants), NT$ 2000 / night (4 occupants)

15-21 nights
NT$ 1620 / night (2 occupants), NT$ 1800 / night (4 occupants)

22 nights - 30 nights
NT$ 1440 / night (2 occupants), NT$ 1600 / night (4 occupants)

from 31st night on ~
NT$ 1200 / night (2 occupants), NT$ 1300 / night (4 occupants)


7 nights
NT$ 2500 / night (2 occupants), NT$ 2800 / night (4 occupants)

8-14 nights
NT$ 2250 / night (2 occupants), NT$ 2500 / night (4 occupants)

15-21 nights
NT$ 1800 / night (2 occupants), NT$ 2000 / night (4 occupants)

22 nights - 30 nights
NT$ 1620 / night (2 occupants), NT$ 1800 / night (4 occupants)

from 31st night on ~
NT$ 1440 / night (2 occupants), NT$ 1600 / night (4 occupants)

The above rates include the followings:

1. Water

2. Electricity - free electricity per day 20 kWh (sufficient for normal usage). Electricity meter reading exceeds will be charged at NT$ 5 per kWh.

3. Gas

4. Free internet access, wire & wireless

5. Cable or Digital TV

6. Management Fee

7. Free useage of the facilities

8. The max. occupancy is 4 adults per apartment

9. Flat rate for week days, weekends and holidays

Contact Tel.: 0972 916 199 (Taiwan)
Email :
SKYPE: mchangde

家是好事 短租公寓
Guesthouse Serviced Apartment