Guesthouse serviced apartment is your home away from home, and provides you more space, more privacy, more freedom, and more conveniences.

Guest comments

Dear Jennifer,
I hope that you and your family are well. Thanks for your message. We will pay more attention to the dishes cleaning from now on. Sometimes the tea stain can be very tough to remove.

All the best.


Dear Krasi and Gitta,
Believe or not, I do miss our communications. I hope that you will come back to visit Taiwan again. I am sure that I will visit Hungry some day and we shall meet then!

Take care and keep in touch.

Dear Shaojia and David,
I trust that you had a nice vacation in Taiwan. Singapore is ratter near, so I believe that you'll have the chance to visit Taiwan again. If so, do forget to visit us.


Dear Jackie and family,
You guys are great ! It's been a pleasure to have you as our guests. Hope one day very soon in the near future, I have the chance to visit you in Malaysia.
All the best,


Dear Jin & Linda,

It's been a pleasure to have known you and have you as our guests. I am glad that you liked the apartment, and have a nice stay there. Hope to see you again very soon.

All the best to you.


Dear Linda,
It was a pleasure to have you and your family as our guests. I am glad that you all had a nice vacation.

I look forward to your return at our apartments.

All the best,


p.s. Sorry about the shower, the boiler was not set correctly. For the most comfort of our guests, I have installed a brand new boiler after receiving your message. Thanks a lot for your feedback. 

Dear Jenny,

You are very welcome.  It is our pleasure to have you and your girls as our guests.  I also want to thank you for taking so good care of my apartment during your stay.  Wishing you all the best, and hope to see you again soon in the future.

Dear Irene,

看了妳的留言, 深植我心, 很感動. 妳的感言也是我做短租公寓的初衷. 很高興結識你們一家人. 妹妹們很乖巧美麗, 討人喜愛. 期待下次再為你們服務.

祝 闔家平安


Dear Cecilia,

It was a pleasure to accommodate you and your family during CNY holidays, and I am glad that you all had a time here in northern Taiwan.  All the best to you, and I look forward to your return to our apartment.


親愛的世新電影組同學們 :

承蒙你們抬愛在我們公寓拍攝影片, 也很高興你們拍攝工作圓滿完成, 記得影片完成後提供給我們觀賞哦. 期待儘快拜賞你們的大作.

祝 學安


Dear Joan, dear Andy,

It was a pleasure of knowing you both.  I thank you for your stay, and look forward to your return to our apartment if you come to Taiwan again.

Best regards,


Dear 林女士 :
謝謝您對我們公寓的肯定, 也很高興您和家人有一個非常愉快的假期. 外面馬路施工目前已經完成, 很抱歉造成您們的困擾, 希望下次您家人再回來台灣時, 我們還有機會為您服務.

祝您 闔家平安 健康快樂 !


Dear Caitlin,

We are very glad to know that you and your family were satisfied with our apartment and enjoyed your stay here.  I believe that you had a wonderful short vacation in Taiwan, and we look forward to your return to our apartment very soon.

All the best to all of you!


Dear Kerry,
很佩服你們行前的準備功課做的那麼好, 相信妳和朋友有一個非常愉快的假期 la. 香港與台灣只有一小時航程很近, 希望下次很快再來台灣完ㄜ.

P.S. 現在台北正在舉行世界花卉博覽會, 要不要來看看ㄚ ?

Best regards,


Dear Joyce,

終於有住客享受我們大樓的公共設施了, 這是住我們公寓的免費附加價值, 很高興妳和寶寶都喜歡.  也感謝妳將推薦我們的短租公寓, 我們會更努力做得更好.

祝 一切順利


Dear Menygen,

Thank you very much for your compliment on our apartment. I am glad that you felt like home there. Regarding the humidity, we will try to keep the bathroom as dry as possible. I am appreciated very much for your suggestion.
I wish you and your family a safe and peaceful stay in Thailand.


Dear Katrin,

可惜妳沒時間使用我們的公共設施, 這是租我們公寓的附加價值哦.  對於妳的建言, 我頗有 " 同感 ", 不過在台灣不比德國, 生活的空間有限, 也無法盡善盡美了. 希望此行妳有收穫了.

Best regards,


Dear Peishan, dear Maria,

出門在外,睡的好吃的飽很重要哦。我自己對睡覺寢具與床具的品質要求很 " 龜毛 " ,所以用我的標準去為住客設想。我們的寢具是我歐洲扛回來的,床墊是最符合人體工學的獨立筒,床架是要讓床墊可以呼吸的原木排骨架 (特別訂做的),不是把床墊放在地板上而已 (這樣會無法讓床墊將人體在睡眠時新陳代謝的廢物排除出去) 。囉哩叭縮一堆,sorry,反正就是要讓你們睡的更香更甜更健康啦 !


Dear Mibly,

不客氣!那是世界有名的 " Lavazza " 咖啡喔,很感動我們的用心有人感受的到,那我從歐洲大包小包的扛回來也有價值了。


Dear Angel,



Dear Line,

“休息是為了走更長遠的路”希望這個小假 ,讓妳充足了電 , 再次出發哦 。 隨時歡迎妳再回來我們的 "家" ,渡心靈的假期。


p.s. 在此也特別感謝我大哥大嫂對我們短租公寓的付出,給每位住客一個舒適的住宿環境。

Dear Sandy,

我們大樓的公共設施, ,的確相當不錯, 我自己也常常去使用。目前因為我們仍在試行階段,所以住房期間可以無限制免費使用公設哦。


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1 Response
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